Well it's been a while since I've posted, and that's not because I ran out of stories, as much as I was running out of time to sit and write them! But I decided to make a little time today, because there is something I need to get off of my chest.
Last night, after what I thought was a really great second date (third if you count our initial meeting since we talked all night then, too), this guy looks at me and says "I really like you," which I thought was really sweet, until he continued, "But I'm just not ready for a relationship." He then proceeded to text me on my drive home that I am awesome and deserve more of a commitment than he is ready to give me, among other things that I am sure were aimed to make me happy and okay with the curveball he had just thrown me, but instead they just made me more annoyed. While I am way more open to a committed relationship than I probably was in the past year or two, I don't understand why guys think that that is what every girl wants from date one. What happened to getting to know one another a little bit before putting any labels on it? What happened to testing the waters and trying it out before completely ruling out the possibility of anything serious ever occurring?
The funny thing is, this has happened to me twice now in the past three months. Another guy, the very FIRST time we ever hung out, said the same exact thing. "I really like you, but I am not really ready to date anyone." Both times were because of recent relationships ending, which I get, but if that's the case then why pursue me in the first place? Why ask me out, or talk to me all night, or do all of these things that point every piece of evidence to the contrary and then say you don't ever see yourself in a relationship with me? ESPECIALLY when I didn't even ask for one?
So in light of these recent events, this is some advice for you guys out there, provided there are any of you actually reading this:
If you just got out of a relationship, and you don't think you're ready to date, the answer is simple. DON'T. DATE. Or do date, but don't act like you're ready for something serious if you're not. Like I said, not every girl wants to be in a relationship right out of the gate - sometimes we just want to have fun and hang out casually, just like you! It's a hard concept to grasp, I know, but give it a try. I also know you have needs, or whatever, and that's fine, but please don't try to fulfill them by making it seem like you're ready for something you're not. And if you're not sure, then that's fine too, but maybe wait a few more dates before you drop a bombshell like that on someone who probably didn't want a committed relationship with you, yet, either.
Thanks in advance, boys, for following my excellent advice - and stay tuned for a story about the most socially awkward date I've ever been on, because that's what's coming up next!